Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Social Networking Sites

   I'm not an online person, but most of the time when I go online, I check Facebook.com . I like it, and I have a lot of friends on it. I would like to see what my friends are up to and comment on their posts and talk to them. I also have been signed in to vkontakte.ru , it is very similar to Facebook, the page even set up similarly with white and blue colors. The only difference is that there everything is in Russian, and only Russian and Ukrainian people are using it. i have all of my friends from Ukraine there, and It is easy to find someone from my family if I want, because comparable to not that many people are using it.Similarly, I registered to twitter.com , I'm new to it, but most of the time I would use it just ti see what celebrities have written, and maybe some time to post on my status, I was surprised that the page of Twitter doesn't look like and doesn't work like Facebook. And lastly, I just registered to Myspace.com, and I like it so far the most, even though I don't have many friends there. I find it great by having news about everything such new clips that came out, new lottery for concert tickets, news about celebrities, and many other useful information.

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