Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

     Virtual world is just like a second life. It can be used for work, by creating a room that looks like a meeting room, attendants can log in without going there and not spending extra time, it also can be used for people's conversations among each other because it is easier to say something online than in real world. Like was stated in the article "At Hearing, Real and Virtual Worlds Collide" "They should really move the x and the c away from each other on the keyboard." (This following a warning that the video might freeze for "just a sex."). People recreate hotels, rooms, places, virtual world foster creativity by giving people a chance to create their world the way they want it to see. For example, in the article "In Room 100, It’s Sid and Nancy All Over Again" by By SAKI KNAFO Mr. Brown created a copy of the hotel as he stated : “The rest of this hotel is as close to real life as I could make it.” but Mykal wanted to be creative and left the crime scene “They didn’t want it to become a shrine,” Mykal said, “but I decided to leave it as a crime scene.”
     Pros in virtual world are that people can freely chat among each other, and create the world in which they can live without thinking about any problems because its their ideal dream world, on the other hand, it is way too addictive, and people may forget that they have problems to solve and things to do in the real world. In addition, they may chat with the person, and did not recognize that this person is lying to them, because it doesn't show their face expression. I think that future worlds will be more advanced and will look like more realistic.

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